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Tweets Out Amazon

OMG! Twitter bitch-slapped Amazon over the weekend and it will leave a bruise. Check out Demonstrating once again, Twitter is the word-of-mouth of the online world.

I can’t comment on the rumored anti-gay/bi attitude that may lay beneath the delisting of certain books with specific content (or at least specific content categories) on Amazon. It reminds me of the disputes that some school libraries have experienced in years past about the inclusion of seditious titles like “Catcher in the Rye” and “Lady Chatterly’s Lover.” Still, the sequence of explanations sound a bit disingenuous, or at least suggest that Amazon has lost control of a portion of its catalog indexing.

Still, the fact that the Twitter hashtag has mounted an effective attack on a policy at the world’s largest bookseller gets my attention. Where now, Twitterville? Politics?

Hat tip to NPR’s Monkey See blog for the news.

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