New Hire Promotion 2
With the arrival of a new lawyer and expanded practice array, ads were placed in high visibility digital business publication.
With the arrival of a new lawyer and expanded practice array, ads were placed in high visibility digital business publication.
Sponsorship of the industry conference is an important opportunity for this niche firm to show its expertise and support among…
Energy law boutique catering to firms in the renewable and green energy space, both those regulated by states and those…
Press releases and media relations for niche, practice and general office seminars with local and state media outlets, traditional and…
Flyers for email marketing of industry seminars for niche practices and general law.
Business-centric seminar events held as promotion for local office attorneys. The front of the postcard carried the benefit.
Blog supporting environmental industry practice incorporating land use, zoning, litigation and commercial development expertise.
Blog supporting a practice in municipal law aimed ad extending tax district litigation expertise. Also used video on this site…
Using online social media content as advertising on editorial site related to brand messaging.
Research about and advertising and materials to promote an industry niche that involves many practice areas.
Ads and materials supporting a strength in a particular practice, such as municipal finance and bond law.
Section sponsorship for branding message allied with content for which the firm wanted to be known.