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1-804-240-8862 russ@russell-lawson .com

Direct response advertising comes in many forms: postal mail, 800 inbound and outbound telemarketing, radio and television ads and infomercials, and, most recently, email marketing and websites. Soon, there may be opportunities through developing technologies such as hybrid  interactive television and view-on-demand television and satellite radio. Interest-based WANs (wide area networks) may eventually supplant internet and online social conversation sites. The convergence of digital technologies and user-based content along with the expansion of broadband pipes that deliver information and programming will have a major impact on the ways producers of material and services interact with their buying public. Ultimately, these new distribution and consumption models will make a full transition to the personal digital device known as the “smartphone” and the entire consumer relationship will be completely mobile.

Among the companies and clients I have helped with direct response advertising have been food service distributors, consumer products companies, law firms, real estate firms, residential builders, specialty premium suppliers and consumer premium marketers.

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