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1-804-240-8862 russ@russell-lawson .com

Is This Any Way To Start A Relationship?

Recently, I was in the audience at the Law Firm Alliancemeeting in Vancouver as Kevin O'Keefe, CEO of Lexblog, patiently explained to the 100 lawyers in the room that social media was not a substitute for actually meeting people. A…

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Who’s Got Klout and Why We Should (Or Shouldn’t) Care

The Wall Street Journal reflected on last week in John Bussey's column "The Business." He was referencing a couple of books recently published including Mark Schaefer's "Return on Influence: The Revolutionary Power of Klout, Social Scoring, and Influence Marketing." …

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Qwikster, New Coke and Big Fat Marketing Egos

Netflix's Reed Hastings has fallen on his knees again, begging for forgiveness. No need to rehash this news from yesterday's Netflix blog. This might be a good time to put the cement overshoes on his marketing consigliere, though. Someone's corporate…

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